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Vallese F, Maso L, Giamogante F, Poggio E, Barazzuol L, Salmaso A, Lopreiato R, Cendron L, Navazio L, Zanni G, Weber Y, Kovacevic-Preradovic T, Keren B, Torraco A, Carrozzo R, Peretto F, Peggion C, Ferro S, Marin O, Zanotti G, Calì T, Brini M, Carafoli E. “The ataxia-linked E1081Q mutation affects the sub-plasma membrane Ca2+-microdomains by tuning PMCA3 activity”. (2022) Cell Death Dis.13(10):855

Vallese F, Kim K, Yen LY, Johnston JD, Noble AJ, Calì T, Clarke OB. “Architecture of the human erythrocyte ankyrin-1 complex” (2022). Nat Struct Mol Biol.

Li J*, Han L*, Vallese F*, Ding Z, Choi SK, Hong S, Luo Y, Liu B, Chan CK, Tajkhorshid E, Zhu J, Clarke O, Zhang K, Gennis R. “Cryo-EM structures of Escherichia coli cytochrome bo3 reveal bound phospholipids and ubiquinone-8 in a dynamic substrate binding site”. (2021). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.

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